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Lent and the Wilderness

So, once upon a time there was this guy who got baptized and then spent forty days in the Wilderness being tempted by raw aspects of Evil. Now we eat fish on friday.
The gang around this end are trying something new this year. We've 'drilled down' into the concepts of Lent and have come up with our own goals.
Kind of like a New Years Resolution, but with a more 'follow your heart' kind of vibe.
What does all of this have to do with Greenshore? Well, I suppose it works with the aspects of the book that deal with spiritualism, Good Vs Evil, and the generation(s) of older folks that populate the text.
In the Real World, amid cold and flu bugs, Girl Scout camping / cookie issue therapy, work, and 60-degree temperature swings, the Lent issue that this author has been working on is "Entering the Wilderness". In this, I have been skulking around agents and schlepping book one of Greenshore. I should point out that I'm not accusing anyone (or anything) of being 'evil', rather I am seeking a kind of ascention through a process of doing something that I have put off for far too long. In this, I am confronting personal demons and keeping an eye out for those dark, nasty, boggy swamps of the publishing game. With book synopsis, authors background, elevator speeches, and other marketing blurbs now at the ready, I can recenter my efforts.

...and now it is time for me to return to Adventure Hex, Writers Block, Gary Con, and GREENSHORE BOOK THREE drafting!!


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