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Work verses Effort

Writing wise, I'm running into an issue more often than not these days.

On the one hand, there is the "Work" of writing: Putting those words down on paper, editing them, organizing them in an entertaining way, plotting, research, and all of that.

On the other hand, there is the "Effort" of writing: Doing the social media thing (such as this blog, or my Facebook page, etc). I use these marketing tools as a means of recording what my work is doing, where it is going, and just as a kind of journal du jour. That's where the Effort presides.

The heart of the matter is that I am a relatively introverted fellow. I'll occasionally pop my head out of my warren, happily hang out with like-minded folks, quickly exhaust my social reserves, then scamper back to the safety zone (while hyper-analyzing every conversation, pointing out where I screwed something up).

However; I like people (most of 'em anyway).

Anyhew, here's this weeks journal from the Greenshore game design front:

Aug 29:
Entering day 3 of basement cleaning, stressed about… everything. Completed the physical combat portion yesterday, which unlocked a few concepts about the other facets of combat (Mystical and Chi / Psychic). Looking forward to moving on / bouncing back and forth between combat and character development. Been thinking about skills a lot lately and have to jot a few things down…
Aug 30:
Insurance guy and clean up crew show up today for the basement. Looking forward to loosing myself in the writing this morning! Deep in the chi/psychic stuff. Slowly expanding the character sheet as well. The book series focus is on magic, with the chi/psychic stuff serving as a toolkit for a few antagonists. Trying to keep the character sheet a 2-pager; front page being the combat / skill crunch, second page being the finesse mechanics and Powers lists…
Aug 31:
Psychic mechanics clean up day and then tweaking the Chi. Each of these areas have a buy-it-keep-it aspect to them and are much more rigid than the mystic stuff. I feel like I’m short-stacking this side of the game and might put notes together for a Psy-Chi book someday...
Sept 2:
Yah, I wrote yesterday. Never did any notes ‘cause I was too into designing Powers and concepts for the Chi abilities. Wrote a LOT as I waited for the tear-out crew to nuke the drywall in the basement. Only lost a central wall area and a couple of pillars. Today’s focus is going to be all about magic. I’m transferring the magic notes I have from the book’s wiki and formatting them into the game rules…
Sept 3:
Trxf of notes a success! Now I’m massaging them into the ruleset…
Sept 4:

Family bike hike yesterday. Achy shoulders, but a nice time! Still massaging those rules / spells into the ruleset…

Write on, everyone!


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