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Kicking Off In The City Of Ashland

Good day and welcome!

Today marks 'day one' of the Greenshore Center book series.

Well, that might be a LITTLE stretch of the truth.

I've been kicking this series around since mid-2016, but never put anything down on digital paper. The concepts for the magic system were scattered here and there in various notebooks. The broad concept of the Greenshore Center was even mentioned in an earlier YA series that I had been focused upon.

Then 2017 hit.

You know those 'New Year Resolutions' that folks jokingly make?

Usually, I try to spout out something broad and general such as "I'm going to write book X" or "This year I'm going to finish project Y".

For 2017, my resolution was: "I'm going to live my life so that I am Happy. Happy in such a way that it reaches into the core of my very being. That means a healthy lifestyle. That means pursuit of goals that are tangible and realistic. That means my family and my friends."

Aaaaand then I sat down to plot out the Greenshore book.

I plotted it in January and began writing. By the end of February, it was complete. Then the slog of editing began. It turned out that even that aspect wasn't so bad.

Today, as of May 22nd, book one (The Old Hollow) is done. The next FIVE books have been plotted down to the chapters. The magic system is detailed and complete. The series itself has been broadly plotted, at least from a story 'beats' perspective of the primary characters.

Looking back on the first five months, I can sum this writing process up in one word: FUN. I've written this book series and spiritually dedicate it to all the RPG-ers, all the fantasy buffs, all the contemporary fiction readers, and anyone who just wants a break from the mundane.

It's been an enjoyable, breezy and fulfilling task. Once published, I hope that you enjoy it!

PS: Yes, I am still happy. : )


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