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Tools 'an Rulez


The past couple of weeks have been dedicated to expanding the mystical buffet line. Yep, I've been creating spells and magic items. Why? With nine Core mystical fonts, as well as a number of fringe groups, I feel the presence of a fantasy-authors demon: The Mystic Deux Ex Machina.

Got a problem that might screw up the plot? Well your wizard just reaches into the little 'ole black bag of tricks and POOF! Problem solved! See? We don't need to worry about going back and tweaking plot arcs and character development. We certainly do not have to worry about tension in the story! Just magic your way outta the problem.

Everyone does it!
James Bond has that tech-magic thing Q gave him...
Narcissa Malfoy's completely unexpected little lie (see book 7)...
A bunch 'o minor characters in the Hobbit bringing BIG change to the world at large...

As you can see, it works. Up to a point.

My goal is, as I work through books 2-5 (its an arc thing), I want to pre-build as many spells and mystic devices that makes sense for the various individuals and groups to possess. These are things that define the backgrounds and histories of the lot, not to fix the plot. The exception to this would be spontaneous spells, built-on-the-fly magic items, or taking advantage of the environment in general. That, of course is immersion...

Yadda yadda yadda. Ok. Rambling.

Sooooo, I've been building magic stuff for the Fonts. Its been fun. Bonus goodie from this project: PLOT HOOKS! I would rather my spells and items cause as many problems that they fix (this magic system follows a spell feedback x3 kind of thinking). Also, it provides a great motivation for some of the antagonists in the series (providing favors and mystic knowledge for other favors, etc.). I'm already solidifying the next seven books!

Man oh man, I gotta tell ya; write what you love and what fuels the creative tank. The positive flow of energy is a wonderful thing!

Hang loose and write on!


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