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Well, that was a fast September...

I swear I just posted on this blog.


School starts up for my little one and time kind of takes off on me. Gutting and repainting / trimming out an office space also spins up the temporal chaos as well.

However, I am writing each and every a.m. (once the coffee is brewed). Below is a couple of weeks of notes about the RPG design as it muddles along...

Sept 5 & 6:
More spell development, along with copying over the ‘Fringe Groups’. LOTS of work ahead of me today…
Sept 7:
Ah, there’s the wall. I felt it coming and blam-o! Here it is. I’ll ignore it today, reminding myself that chipping away at something in this document (or any writing that is currently in process) is better than the murk of guilt that will hit later on if I don’t.
Back to the Fringe Groups, then…
Oh, I’m thinking of starting to highlight each section I’m working on to denote them as ASHLAND SPECIFIC information
Sept 8:
No ‘wall’ today. Kind of driven to write, actually. Thinking about copying this stuff into my blog about Ashland, just to let the folks out there know that I’m still alive and writing! Got sidetracked in yesterdays writing as I began hunting down undefined / mis-defined sections of the rules…
Sept 9 & 10:
Starting to focus on specific mystic schools. One school a day looks like it will be the norm (I can sink my brain into the feel of the lore / history / how I want to interpret it to the Greenshore world). First up: The Arcane Historical Society, followed by the Black Dogs.
Sept 13:
Life intruded for a couple of days. However, I am back now. Taking some time to follow up on some scribbled notes that I found laying around and updating this file with them. Toss ‘em and move onward!
Sept 14:
Too much fuel in the tank or not enough hours in the day… a little of each, I suppose. Back at it!
Sept 16:
Spent yesterday with family and friends. Kind of a recovery day, actually. Today is back at it AGAIN day-o!
Sept 17:
Taking care of some of those fringe mystic groups today…
Sept 18:
Wow. Took care of a LOT of fringe mystic groups yesterday! Back into the fray, looking into any dangling bits of unfinished rules before mining the mystic groups for powers, spells and effects…
Sept 20:
I’m back. The cats have been out of control at night and I’m sleep deprived. Didn’t write for a couple of days… only kind of staggered around the house and did manual labor / house renovation jobs…
You know, ‘cause it’s safer to work the power tools when you’re sleepy.
However; I’m back and still have all my parts attached. Getting back into the game world today, might do some novel writing, might do some blog stuff (I try to do blogging on Fridays).

BTW, I never did go into the 'highlight Ashland-specific information thing. My time was spent on getting words on paper.



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