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Slog or Climb?

Found this unpublished post from last November...

On the 15th day of NaNoWriMo I crossed the 28,000 word mark. That sets me roughly 3k ahead of where I need to be.

Celebration time, right?

Nope. I'm happy to be where I'm at word count wise. But I'm looking ahead at the rest of the passage that will take me to the 'peak' of the story. The nice, winding trail through this tales foothills are starting to break away to the more rugged stone paths and untested ground of the latter third of my tale.

Oh, it's plotted and still on track, but there's a sense of struggle ahead that brings a bit of tension to this author. I've been at this place before. I know my weaknesses and my strengths. I am my own best coach in this matter of Tenacity, Faith, and Perseverance.

Yah, I got 'er done. Passed the 50K mark at the end of the month. There were incomplete passages and some rambling notes, but the final chapter closed this book nicely.

Here I am, sitting two weeks into February and plotting the details of book 3 as I edit book 2 and await word from my submission of book 1.

It feels like a countdown...



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