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Showing posts from May, 2017

About ducks, rows, and the business of writing...

I think I need an agent. The past week has been one of organization and planning. The Gencon events unlocked on Sunday, allowing me to FINALLY get into those games and writing seminars! I've spent an hour or so each day doing deep research on various agents and editors to approach with my work. This blog was set up, along with a bit of personal 'house cleaning' to organize my workspace and calendar. I put together a list of readers for my book drafts. With the white noise and sense of business responsibilities looming all around, I rifled through my writing and managed to really get those notes in order. I suppose I should get into the meat of those notes and get that writing done! Yep. I need an agent. Can't fill the shelves if you spend all week building the store! -Dave

Kicking Off In The City Of Ashland

Good day and welcome! Today marks 'day one' of the Greenshore Center book series. Well, that might be a LITTLE stretch of the truth. I've been kicking this series around since mid-2016, but never put anything down on digital paper. The concepts for the magic system were scattered here and there in various notebooks. The broad concept of the Greenshore Center was even mentioned in an earlier YA series that I had been focused upon. Then 2017 hit. You know those 'New Year Resolutions' that folks jokingly make? Usually, I try to spout out something broad and general such as "I'm going to write book X" or "This year I'm going to finish project Y". For 2017, my resolution was: "I'm going to live my life so that I am Happy. Happy in such a way that it reaches into the core of my very being. That means a healthy lifestyle. That means pursuit of goals that are tangible and realistic. That means my family and my friends....